Dissection Lab Manual

I deleted all of the labels that you did not need to know. What is on these diagrams are the muscles you will potentially need to identify on the practical.

cat manual (2) (402x512, 44.1 kilobytes)cat manual (6) (338x512, 41.1 kilobytes)


cat manual (5) (385x512, 40.6 kilobytes)Superficial Arm - Lateral



cat manual (10) (356x512, 39.3 kilobytes)Triceps, Deltoid, Brachioradialis, Brachialis


cat manual (369x512, 38.4 kilobytes)cat manual (3) (312x512, 30.5 kilobytes)Superficial Thorax - Anterior

Pectoralis Major, Pectoralis Minor, Latissumus dorsi, Abdominals

cat manual (4) (387x512, 45.8 kilobytes)

Superficial Thorax - Posterior


Deltoid, Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi, Triceps

cat manual (8) (386x512, 46.3 kilobytes)

cat manual (7) (445x512, 49.6 kilobytes)

cat manual (9) (361x512, 42.8 kilobytes)

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