

Pick up:

·       Where to put your cultures

·       Lab Vocabulary

Starter Question (class journal)

·       Working with a partner, list as many different methods of killing germs as you can think of.

Essential Question:

·       How will we safely culture bacteria, get them to grow well and then dispose of them properly without losing track of which cultures are yours?



·       What object in this room do you believe will have the MOST individual bacteria living on it?

·       What object will have the FEWEST individual bacteria?


Starter: In your CLASS journal, from memory, outline the exact procedures you followed yesterday when you collected your environmental sample. Explain it as if you are talking someone through it because they were absent.

In LAB Journal:

·       Predict the number of bacteria colonies you think you will have (1 – 25) growing on your Petri dish.

·       Explain what factors may have affected the numbers you got.

Essential Question:

How can observation of a petri dish give you information about the source, number and type of bacteria in an area?


In your LAB journal: Explain in words how to

1.        Make a microscope slide of water from a fishtank

2.       Properly get it in focus on HIGH power.