AP Biology


Starter: get out your composition book.

·    Label the first page in large lettering “AP Bio Class Journal”

 On the second page, put today’s day and Date (Thurs. 9/1/11)


What have you heard about AP Bio or the AP Test prior to coming here yesterday?


Starter: Based on what you discovered about your ideal learning strengths, how do you plan on studying for your first test?

HW Review: Get out your vocab cards for ch 2 and 3.



From memory, list as many of the 10 “themes of biology” that you can recall.

·       Turn in your safety contract.

Essential Question:

What are “unifying themes” and why are they more useful than thinking of Biology in Chapters?



There is nothing to write. I will be pulling sticks to choose which people will take the test first.

·       It consists of just 9 MC and 2 short answer from 4 options.

·       When you  are finished, return to your seat. I will pull sticks to fill the vacancy.

Essential Question: Write in your Journal

What physical properties determine the 3 dimensional shape of a protein once it is produced by a cell?


·       Get back in your lab groups and get out your  tubers. Make sure you have all of the questions completed to the point you are in the assembly of your protein (don’t build ahead).

·       Complete the assembly of your tuber and complete the questions. When you are finished, use your phone (if possible) to take a picture of your tuber and email it to me at david.eroh@bsd.k12.de.us.

·       Answer the essential question in your Journal.

·       Get a copy of the Toober Variations instructions on the front table and carry out the instructions and answer the questions right on the paper.



Choose two functional groups from the Ch 4 Chart and compare them in terms of size, composition, shape, pH, polarity (only relevant things).

Which would be found in chemicals that are more likely to be harmful to the organisms in a local stream? Explain.

HW: Objective Questions Chapter 5.



·       Ch 1 tests are graded. They will be on eSchool this period.

·       We will be discussing grading policies that you need to be aware of.


Explain the idea of a “polymer” and list the 4 essential biological polymers discussed in Ch 5.


Starter: Check email for Ch 1 study guide

Class: covered Carbs in Ch 5 Notes

Wrote free response A (Compare 2 types of glycosidic linkages and their biological importance.)


·       Continue Ch 5 vocab cards

·       Critique Glycosidic answer. Give a score of 1 to 5 on the other persons answer. Any score must come with reasons (either what they included or what they missed / got wrong.)

·       9/14

·       Starter: Get out your reviewed free response. Meet with its owner and discuss how it could be improved. Get feedback on yours. When you are done rewrite yours.

·       Vocab Review: Identify the 5 vocab terms you feel least comfortable with for tomorrow’s quiz. We reviewed them.

·       Notes: Lipid Notes.
